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Proven Results. Expert Advice. Qualified Audiologists.


Raquel Fernandez

Principal Audiologist

Why is good hearing so important?

Our ability to hear connects us to the world. Untreated hearing loss is linked to early onset and symptoms of dementia, it affects our relationships with our loved ones, can lead to frustration, impacts our social life and can cause withdrawal, isolation and depression. Reduced hearing affects our ability to understand speech clearly, know where sounds are coming from and can also impact our balance.


What is the cost of a full hearing test?

Your hearing test will be completely free if you have a Pensioner Concession Card as we are accredited by the Commonwealth Government to provide fully subsidised services, including a range of free hearing aids if required. If you are self-funded, the cost for a full assessment is $97-$127. You may be entitled to rebates from private health insurance depending on your cover.


What are common signs of

hearing loss?

  • You hear but don’t always quite ‘catch’ or understand clearly what has been said

  • Your family complain about the volume when you are listening to the television

  • You find it difficult to follow a conversation in noisy environments

  • You often feel exhausted after family celebrations because listening is such an effort

  • You hear better when you can look at the person talking to you


Why visit Fernandez Hearing?

  • Proven results.

  • Exceptional Service. Unrivalled aftercare.

  • Local and independent provider of all major hearing aid brands

  • Free services for Pension Concession Card holders, including a range of free hearing aids.

  • Accredited by and contracted to the Commonwealth Government.

  • Registered with private health insurers.

  • Members of Audiology Australia.

  • University qualified & trained Audiologists.

Fernandez Hearing is accredited by the Australian Government to provide free hearing services and hearing aids to Pensioners. Book your full hearing test today

At Fernandez Hearing we pride ourselves on providing unrivalled service and continuously strive for excellence. We are locally owned and independent, providing impartial advice. Accredited by the Commonwealth Government and Private Health care providers, Fernandez Hearing supplies all major hearing aid brands. We never stop learning. We keep abreast with all the latest research and technology. 


Not all hearing clinics are the same. Good old fashioned service, accompanied by the latest advances in hearing health and technology sets us apart from the rest. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping our clients. At Fernandez Hearing you can rest assured that you’re in safe, expert hands.


Ready to improve your hearing? Contact us now to book your full comprehensive hearing test or complete the form below:

Locally Owned & Independent

This means we provide our clients with impartial advice and are suppliers of all major hearing aid brands. We are also local. We are here to help and ready to take your call.

Accredited by the Australian Government & Private Health 

This means that we are accredited to provide fully subsidised services and hearing aids to eligible Pensioners*

We are also registered with Private Health providers which means hearing aid rebates for clients with private health cover.

University Qualified Audiologists 

This means only university qualified & trained Audiologists will assess and manage your hearing. Our Audiologists continuously undergo professional development and keep abreast of new developments in hearing health and technology to ensure you receive the best outcomes.

Members of Audiology Australia

This means you'll be receiving help from a professionally qualified audiologist who is accredited by the peak national representative body for audiologists in Australia

*Conditions apply under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.

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